Saturday, 31 January 2009

Was a beautiful morning today when me & sophie went out for our run.

Sophie says - "well i've been with my new family for 5 wks now and I'm really settled now. I love my big ginger sister ruby and i'm getting lots of nice walks and runs. My mum seems to whistle a lot on me but I dont' mind because when I return I get a nice treat.

This weekend i'm moving in with my big sis Ruby at nightime in her bed. She doesn't have a crate like me, she's got a penthouse pad near the stair with a baby gate.

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If my family go out for a few hours I go in to keep Ruby company and we're fine, so mum says I can have a sleepover tonight and see how it goes. I can't wait! "

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Today we went for a walk up the fields beside our house.

Sophie had to stay on her lead a bit further because the other day she ran back the way after a hare and ended up almost by the main road! Blimey I didn't know mum could run that fast herself..... I heard her say that Sophie's speed was impressive but her hearing wasn't!!!!

We then got into the woods and climbed up to the top and mum took a photo of us with our human brother, he's great.... loves to play with us :-). I like having a ginger sister now, she certainly keeps me amused! I just let her get on with things, she's a pup afterall! I'm very tolerant except when she tries to squeeze in behind me to get to the radiator........ UNACCEPTABLE and she'll never move me :-)

Mum decided we were sitting nicely at one point and she got the camera out again. Well Sophie was sitting nicely, but then she'll do anything for a treat.

Mum did some training with Sophie later in the evening. She keeps putting her paws up when she wants a pat, and mum keeps putting them down, one day she'll learn.
Well that's all my news for today.