Well the farmer has now ploughed all his fields (boo!). No more running through the stubble for me and Sophie, just back to the tracks. Have to say that we're not enjoying beng called from our cozy bed of a morning to walk in the dark! but are enjoying the radiator being warm again (yay!). Have to confess to getting a row from the farmer the other day for disturbing the pheasants in the bit he shoots. Doesn't he know were' Vizslas!!!! Mum and dad normally let us run down the middle of one of the fields and we couldn't help ourselves and ran into the long grass, one flew up right in front of me. I've promised the farmer i'll not go in that bit anymore.
Here's a pic of me with Sophie in the background. Couldn't quite decide which way we wanted to go.
and here's one of us pretending to be weimaraners.
Ruby x