Saturday, 26 March 2011

Viz wizz today

Mum and dad took us to meet up with some other 'red dogs' from the VizslaScotland forum. We went to a place near Kinneil Museum in Boness. Fantastic place, Sophie and I were one of 21 doggies that turned up today.
We are the 5th and 6th dogs from the left lol.
We met another viz called 'Ruby' (right), that confused Sophie a little!

It was great to have a good long run about today after our rubbish weather!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Smiling Vizslas

I have 2 incredibly happy vizslas today!
They are delighted as it's getting lighter which means longer walks in the evening and it's been 14oC today (tropical for Scotland haha).
Nothing like the sun on your back after the winter we've just had :-) Happy Days!!